Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time to relax

I finally get some time to relax and I think I have earned it! I worked my butt off this last term to end 2 out of three classes where I wanted.... with A's. I wanted to end all three with A's but I screwed up on the final for one and ended up with a B. Still not bad but not what I wanted. I want to end school with a 3.79 or above so that means I am going to have to work 10 times harder my next terms to get high A's to make up for that one. In the mean time I am going to relax as much as possible till january 6th when I am going to be taking 3 classes again. The only things I plan on doing this break are well christmas of course, spened some much needed time with my son, and playing world of warcraft. Maybe even some days I might stay in my PJs all day. oooo it is going to be nice.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have been so tired lately that I am glad that this term is almost over. I am in much need for the two week break that I am going to get. I need to relax and spend some time with my family.

My day yesterday was the worst day I have had in a looooooong time! On sunday night when I was online checking my bank account somehow someone got through and hacked my information. That in turn made it to where I had to get my account frozen so they couldn't get anything from me. Well yesterday I got up and went to the bank to open a new one. It was not until I got home and my best friend said something to me that I realized that I had to somehow get ahold of my sons dad in Iraq to get the child support direct deposit changed, my boyfriends paycheck DD changed and the stuff for my GI bill changed. Well because I couldn't figure out on the Internet how to change the info for the GI bill I had to go to Seattle. That would be all well and fine if it didn't take me 1.5 hours to find the place that is only 15 minutes away. I found a parking spot and went inside to only find out that I couldn't change it there. SO I paid 20 for gas and 15 for parking for nothing. Then when I got home I saw that we got our insurance cards in the mail so I called to make an appt with the doctor for the physical I needed for my clinicals. After my appt my boyfriend called me freaking out because he said our insurance didn't kick in till the first of the year. I am thinking great now we are going to have to pay all this money for this and we don't have that. I did find out about 2 hours later that our coverage started the 1st of December so I was ok. Well also at the doctor she said that my thyroid on the left side is enlarged so I am awaiting results of that. I was just so mad at yesterday that I didn't even want to go to class last night even though I still did. Now today I still have the headache that yesterday created. grrr.

Friday, December 11, 2009


WOW! I cannot fathom yet that this term is almost over. Previous terms seemed to drag on and take forever. This is the first term that I took three classes. My academic advisor almost did not let me because she felt like it would be to much for me. I told her I am sure that I can handle it considering while taking those two classes I also moved a hour and a half away. Also I ended those classes with a 98% and a 94% so I told her I could do it no problem. Then I get started in my new three classes and at first my nerves were going crazy. Looking through what was to come I thought to myself "Oh my what did I get myself into!" There was even a few times through out the course that I felt that there was no way I was going to make it. It was definitely a roller coaster ride! Now I am sitting here in unit 9 looking at the grade books and figure out I am going to finish this term with a 92% average between my classes. Now I am think what was I so worried about I did GREAT! Maybe next term I can take a fourth class..... hahaha NO I will stick with three. lol. This was definitely a fun term, I had wonderful professors and great classmates. I would not change anything about it.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I have come to figure out that having this seriously gnarly cold is kicking my butt! It is making my brain all foggy and it is impossible to concentrate. Which is NOT good because I have a lot of school work, laundry and cleaning to get done. Ugh I hope this doesn't last long but until then I am stuck just trying my best. Moms can never stop or get a day off. lol

Monday, November 30, 2009

What a boring day

Or should I make that what a boring past couple of days. In these past few day after thanksgiving I think I have left the house twice and one of those times was just to ride with my boyfriend to the gas station and back. I didnt even get out of the truck. lol. I have just been sitting at home doing laundry, cleaning, and keeping up on my homework. Heck even now I am still in my PJ's at 330 in the afternoon. Wow I need a hobby or something. lol

Friday, November 20, 2009


MY DIVORCE IS FINAL AS OF TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Unit 5

Discuss your personal writing process and see what others have to say about your style.

My personal writing process is probley the hardest way to write a paper. lol. I tend to gather all the information that I have and then sit down and write the paper. I think this is harder because I have no idea how I am going to organize my paper or what I even want to say. I like the fact that we went over prewriting skills this week because I am for sure going to use those to write this paper. I feel that doing this will make things much eaiser for me.

If there was one thing about your academic challenges, what would it be?

I think the biggest challenge that I face is that until enrolling at Kaplan I had never written anything. I did not pay attention in high school very well so when it comes to spelling, grammar, or anything that goes with writing I lack in the skills. My goal is to overcome these.

How is school influencing your life at or up to this point?

School up to this point has boosted my moral within myself greatly. Even though I am only 25 I have lived a very hard life and in turn I have always had low self confidence in myself. Comparing myself to how I was when I first enrolled I feel like I am a much better person and the way I perceive myself has improved greatly. Its amazing what an education can do for someone. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Unit 4

Based upon your reading on plagiarism, why do you think we need to cite our sources?

It is important to cite our sources because it gives the person credit for their work. Imagine for a second that you worked very hard to find information based on your own research over a life time only to later have someone use your information as their own. That wouldn't feel very good. So it is important to give people their credit. Its respectful.

• What would you do if someone used something you created without giving you credit?

In one word. Complain. I would feel used and violated.

• Consider some of the real-world plagiarism issues you have learned of that include professionals. How should those issues be handled?

I personally give the person credit even if it was just an idea they had. If I saw someone using someones idea without giving them credit I would call them out on it and make sure they do the right thing.

• Does the Internet blur the lines of “legally owned”? Consider sites like YouTube and Wikipedia.

I think some sites do. For example on youtube I can save a video to my computer to later just repost it as my own. All I have to do is check a box saying that it is mine. Its not fair to the person that worked hard to make that video.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Unit 3

Hello everyone!
So I have the topic I want to write about for my paper, Autism… However I cannot come up with a good name or thesis statement for my paper. I was hoping I could bounce a few idea off everyone and get some input. :)

1. Early diagnosis of autism
2. Benefits of early diagnosis of autism
3. Autism: Knowing early is better
4. Autism

So for my thesis I know I want to talk about many different thing, what autism is, statistics, different therapies for autistic children, routines for both parent and child, as well as more I am sure. I am just not sure how to write a thesis statement for it. Here are a few of my ideas...

1.With numbers on the rise for children with autism find out early in life is best for everyone in the child's life. It helps parents to adjust to life having a child with autism, helps the child figure out how to cope with situations, as well as (help here I don't know)

2. Children with autism are growing in numbers this is why it is important for both parents and children to find out early in life. The earlier a child is diagnosed gives the family more time to adjust to the idea of having a child with autism as well as getting new routines down and starting therapies early.

I am really stuck with these. PLEASE HELP!

On to the next topic for this week... I love love love love being an online student! The fact that I can do the work on my own schedule is GREAT!!!! I also like the fact that there is still some structure to the classes too. I know there are some classes out there that you can take online that you can do them all in however long it takes you but I don't think you can actually learn something from those classes and retain the information. The one thing that I don't like is I cant put faces with names.

Now that I am taking this writing class and we have this blog I think its great because I can put faces with names now. Also with the blog I am encourage to write more. Its great.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I was going through some stuff yesterday and came across some poems that I wrote about 7 years ago. I remember when I wrote them I was very homesick and down. I still wanted to share a few of them with everyone.

I see, you see

Scribbles on paper
Lines of confusion
words of no meaning
Nothing, non-existent, emptiness
that's all you see
Nothing of importance
I see everything when I read them
I see my true feelings
my lost dream
my confused thoughts
my inexpressible emotions
what you look at
may be nothing to you
Just remember that it may be
everything to someone

No title

I saw a girl who looked just like me
she wasn't me at all
she was smiling
while I was crying
she was beautiful
while I was ugly
She was loved
while I was unloved
she was happy
while I was sad
She was surrounded by people
while I was alone
She looked at me
as I looked at her
Then I realized I was her
I was how she felt inside


Life is hard
but why does it have to be?
we could all be happy
and have everything we want
what would life be like if we did?
would we really be happy?
or would we still want more?
would we be content?
would we still fight?
would it be worse if we had everything
or are we happiest with nothing?

and my personal favorite of the bunch......

The girl in the mirror

Every now and then when I get the courage
to look in the mirror again... I cry
Not because I am sad
only because I don't believe she is me
the person in the mirror
is a little girl who is crying
I don't know why she is sad
I can only imagine
she appears to be beaten in some way
I think she was hurt by someone
her hair is stringy and dirty
like she hasn't taken a bath
she reaches out to me and tried to say something
but I don't listen
I just look away like I don't see her
like she doesn't exist
I think about her sometimes
but I am afraid to go back
I wounder what she was going to say
did she need my help?
was she trying to get away?
why did she come to me?
what could I do?
I couldn't do anything!
This poor little girl in the mirror
It is not her fault what was happening
she just couldn't get away
I wish I could help her
just do something, anything
even something small
just to free this little girl
who is.... me.

I still have a few more that maybe in time I will share some more. I just say these ones and thought someone would enjoy them. I know they are kind of depressing in a way but that is how I was feeling when I wrote them. I find it kind of funny because now I try and write more and nothing like these will come out. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bored... So SOOOOOO Bored

I know I have a few post before this one but this weeks assignment is to post a welcome blog. So
WELCOME! lol. A little bit about me is I am 25 years old. I have a 3 year old son name Ian. I love him to death. I live with my boyfriend, Shane. I love him to death too. awww LOL. My sons father is currently deployed so I have him 7 days a week now which we (me and my son) are trying to adjust to. Kind of a power struggle at this point... I think I winning but who knows. I don't work right now I just go to school and play with my son. Shane does work at the casino near us. So I am home a lot bored. Facebook is one of my favorite past times... Mafia wars and farmville WOOHOO. LOL. If you wanna look me up on there feel free... I am pretty much an open book. I will answer any question someone might ask me no matter what it is. Just a warning though.... if you ask me a honest question expect a honest answer. Sometime people do not like what I have to say. I don't sugar coat either. lol My bestfriend loves taking me shopping with her just for that reason. Ok well I think I have started to trail off... a popular thing for me to do. lol. So I hope everyone has a GREAT night!

Friday, October 16, 2009


and I think this blog with help with a lot also. It gives me a place to write down my thoughts and feelings. I was never good at keeping a diary so I like this a lot. I just wish that I had found it sooner. lol :)

Not looking for sympthy

So I got the news today that I have lost my baby. While this is a VERY hard time I felt that I should let people know that I will get better. I am going to turn this negative into a positive someway some how. I just think as long as no one is telling me their sorry, or asking about my pregnacy or anything like that. That it will make it a whole lot easier for me to get through this time. I am greatful that I have a very suportive boyfriend by my side as well as family and friends.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


For the doctors office to call me back. I had to go to the ER last night and I was told that I need to have my HGC level monitered untill I am far enough along to see the baby on an ultrasound. Found an OB that seems nice but they had to request my records from the ER to find out how urgent it is to test my levels. I hope they call me back soon and let me know because this waiting is killing me. Urg.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And it begins... lol

So this is the first blog that I have ever written. Now that I have my own "spot" to blog I think I am really going to like this. :) Sorry to all that read along about my life... it is kind of boring. lol