Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Unit 4

Based upon your reading on plagiarism, why do you think we need to cite our sources?

It is important to cite our sources because it gives the person credit for their work. Imagine for a second that you worked very hard to find information based on your own research over a life time only to later have someone use your information as their own. That wouldn't feel very good. So it is important to give people their credit. Its respectful.

• What would you do if someone used something you created without giving you credit?

In one word. Complain. I would feel used and violated.

• Consider some of the real-world plagiarism issues you have learned of that include professionals. How should those issues be handled?

I personally give the person credit even if it was just an idea they had. If I saw someone using someones idea without giving them credit I would call them out on it and make sure they do the right thing.

• Does the Internet blur the lines of “legally owned”? Consider sites like YouTube and Wikipedia.

I think some sites do. For example on youtube I can save a video to my computer to later just repost it as my own. All I have to do is check a box saying that it is mine. Its not fair to the person that worked hard to make that video.