Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Unit 5

Discuss your personal writing process and see what others have to say about your style.

My personal writing process is probley the hardest way to write a paper. lol. I tend to gather all the information that I have and then sit down and write the paper. I think this is harder because I have no idea how I am going to organize my paper or what I even want to say. I like the fact that we went over prewriting skills this week because I am for sure going to use those to write this paper. I feel that doing this will make things much eaiser for me.

If there was one thing about your academic challenges, what would it be?

I think the biggest challenge that I face is that until enrolling at Kaplan I had never written anything. I did not pay attention in high school very well so when it comes to spelling, grammar, or anything that goes with writing I lack in the skills. My goal is to overcome these.

How is school influencing your life at or up to this point?

School up to this point has boosted my moral within myself greatly. Even though I am only 25 I have lived a very hard life and in turn I have always had low self confidence in myself. Comparing myself to how I was when I first enrolled I feel like I am a much better person and the way I perceive myself has improved greatly. Its amazing what an education can do for someone. :)