Thursday, October 15, 2009


For the doctors office to call me back. I had to go to the ER last night and I was told that I need to have my HGC level monitered untill I am far enough along to see the baby on an ultrasound. Found an OB that seems nice but they had to request my records from the ER to find out how urgent it is to test my levels. I hope they call me back soon and let me know because this waiting is killing me. Urg.


SherryWaters said...

Hey Nicole,

I hope everything turns out good for you. I think with this being your second baby you will be okay. But sometimes the second pregnancy is the scariest one. I have three children of my own. The first one was exciting, the second one was the worry one, and the third one was the so what could possible happen that I dont know about. I'm sure the test will be okay and maybe you will have to take a vitamin or supplement of some type I dont think you will have anything to worry about, at least I'm thinking good thoughts for you that it is going to be okay.